20 August 2008

Precious Metals Fuel our Thirst for Electronic Devices AND China's fireworks faked?!

Ok, so maybe I'm behind the times, but I just learned some new things from my brother's radio show on WSUM in Madison, WI.

I learned that they use rare metals, such as coltran (some ore), in producing some of our personal electronic devices. It has become a sort of blood diamond thing with people fighting and killing each other to mine this shit. Goes to show you should Recycle Your Electronic Devices! And also... we're all going to hell. Oh well.

I also learned that the some of the fireworks in Beijing's Opening Ceremonies were faked, they were digital! They were only seen by the people watching on their TVs. Isn't that crazy? This just goes to show that it's all about appearances in China. The same thing with the lip-syncing girl sitting in for the real talented girl, AND the crazy freaky medal-holder hostess girls that have to be between 5'6" and 5'8" or something and need to smile the perfect 6 to 8 tooth smile! If I was in the room with those girls, I would freak the fuck out.


Anonymous said...

The digital fireworks were acknowledged when they happened... Bob Costas and Matt Lauer talked about how the whole show had a cinematic feel to it... and how the fireworks actually WERE cinematic...

Now the lip-syncing girl... yeah that's just dumb.

Michelle said...

I actually never saw the opening ceremony because I hadn't gotten my TV antennae yet And I refuse to pay ridiculous prices for cable. Oh well. Apparently it took them a year to put together.