23 August 2008

Internet Adventure: The Aliens Don't Like Us!

Ah, conspiracy theories.

Also, don't you love Science? Dude, STRANGELETS! Who the fuck makes this up?! (Oh, wait, it's these guys!) Actually, I kind of think it's a cool name. It's a good thing to realize that you can make up words when writing science.

Also, WHY haven't I seen THIS before? It's about the Apocalypse AND science causing the apocalypse! Seriously! It's like two of my favorite topics! On the other hand, they talk about a Supervolcano emerging from Yellowstone. I always thought I was pretty much safe over here in Colorado from many of the Apocalyptic scenarios, but I guess not...


Jenny said...

What is the picture of? I saw a show about the super volcano under Yellowstone sometime in the last year. Well, we're all going to die of old age or something anyway. Hey, maybe you should be a teacher, or lead international treasure hunts. You're pretty good at this internet adventure thing and you enjoy showing us new stuff.

Michelle said...

The picture is of where the track of the Large Hadron Collider is, underground in Switzerland & France. So you got your subatomic particles whizzing around between superconducting magnets along a 17 mile track. I think it's pretty awesome.

They said, before they started testing, "Let's see what happens,"!!! Talk about one giant, expensive, potentially disastrous experiment, right?! Science will always be the final frontier.