19 February 2010

Screw Responsibly, Save a Manatee!

I volunteered to distribute condoms for The Center for Biological Diversity's Endangered Species Condoms project. The project aims to raise awareness about the correlation between human overpopulation and the rising extinction rate on our planet. Apparently 50% of births in the United States are unplanned and the Center also is promoting education to women, who ultimately make these decisions about their bodies. I think the project is mostly a cute way to introduce the idea to the nation's social consciousness, that overpopulation is indeed a problem. We are on the way to hit 8 billion people by 2020, after all. And the sixth mass eukaryotic extinction is undeniably caused by humans. Not only do we encroach upon animals environments to live, but also to produce food and items and maintain our excess level of consumption.

The animals featured are the polar bear, snail darter, spotted owl, American burying beetle, jaguar, and the coquí guajón rock frog!!

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